Personal Activities
Genealogy 2
Earlier I mentioned Photography as a hobby most of my adult life. For the past 20 plus years Genealogy, the study, recording, and sharing of family history would likely be considered my most active ‘hobby.’ I, along with my wife, were most active in our research and recording of our family history between 1995 and 2003…for me, at least. She has continued more active than I on her research since that time. Regardless, we have gathered an enormous amount of information on our families, ten to fifteen generations back on many lines. It has been a real joy, and continues to be a great satisfaction, when interesting issues come up that we can rely on that research to help provide answers to often vexing questions.
An interesting side-note to this is that when people begin to get interested in their own family history, the most often given suggestion may be… talk to the elders in your family first. We are now approaching the time when we are among the eldest living of our respective family lines. In my case, I have one uncle and aunt on my Mom’s side, and one aunt on my Dad’s side, of the prior generation still living. I try hard (not hard enough) to keep in touch with them, still asking questions about ‘the old days.’ After that, I am second oldest of my generation on my Mom’s side. I was also second oldest on my Dad’s side, but the oldest died far too young a number of years ago, leaving me as the oldest cousin. Just interesting to ponder.
I enjoy blogging, as you well know. My family history blog, begun in 2009, contains extensive writing on my family history, including my own history, as you well know, if you’ve been following along, at:
Our three daughters have been asking questions about our collective family history, now, for a number of years, which we appreciate. We love to share the knowledge we have accumulated. Our grandchildren have now, also, in their own spurts of curiosity, also begun to ask questions about the past, which is wonderful. What has been your experience? Are you asking those questions? Have you been answering the questions you are asked. I would love to hear your comments on your experience, or, even, questions about our experiences.
Use the Comments below, Facebook, Google+ or Twitter, to get us started. I’ll be back here, next Wednesday, with more of my thoughts. I await your comments…
Think Positive, Do Good! ;-)